Here we share the ideas of how to help the development of robowaifus. You can look for tasks to improve the board, or ones which would help to move the development forward. You could also come up with a task that needs to be worked on and ask for help, use the pattern on top of OP for that, replace the part in <brackets> with your own text and post it.
>Pattern to copy and adjust for adding a task to the thread:
Task: <Description, general or very specific and target thread for the results>
Tips: <Link additional information and add tips of how to achieve it.>
Constraints and preferences: <Things to avoid>
Results: Post your results in the prototypes thread if you designed something
>>18800, or into an on-topic thread from the catalog if you found something or created a summary or diagram.
General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes
>>18800, current meta
>>18173 and many others in the catalog - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things.
>General suggestions where you might be able to help:
- Go through threads in the catalog here and make summaries and diagrams like pointed out starting here
- Work on parts instead of trying to develop and build a whole robowaifu
- Work on processes you find in some thread in the catalog
- Test existing mechanisms shared on this board, prototypes
- Try to work on sensors in some kind of rubber skin and in parts
>>95 >>242 >>419
- Keep track of other sites and similar projects, for example on YouTube, Twitter or Hackaday.
- Copy useful pieces of information from threads on other sites and boards talking about "*****bots", "chatbots", AI or something similar. Pick the right thread here:
- Search for interesting parts on Thingiverse and similar sites: Skeletons, BJD dolls, ... Search first if something has been mentioned already, put similar projects into one posting. First, find the right place in the catalog before posting:
- Software is more security critical, we need ways to verify your project isn't harmful if we use it.
- Recruit anons for our efforts on other sites, especially in threads or subreddits with similar topics, or topics like MGTOW, BlackPill, anti-feminism, (DIY-)"*****dolls", Chatbots, ... recruit/evangelize/advocate e.g. with memes and banners
- Preparing pictures for the creation of memes or banners (remove background or text)
- Go through old meta and the project threads and crosslink posting to more topic specific threads according to the topic
>>18173 >>15434 >>12974 >>8492 >>3108 >>38
- Write down topics discussed anywhere on this board, use these as search terms in Waifusearch
>>8678 (after installing it), and post the result in the Archive thread
- Look for things we don't know, but should know.
- Find things you think need to be done and and add tasks yourself, using the pattern above.
> General Recommendations:
- Try to post results into the right thread (NOT here in this thread)
- Try mostly not just use google and don't just post some links as answers
- Dont try to lead us, or to centralize us, or to move all of us to another platform
- The catalog with all the threads is also hotlinked at the top & bottom of this board. You can use every thread to post, there's no advantage posting everything into the most active ones. Maybe look at the end of a thread if there's a follow up thread. Don't worry if you post it in the wrong place, volunteers will move it if necessary.
add/rm temp appeal for help
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:17:16.