Thanks for making this update Kywy. Glad to see you organizing things for us all.
>A basic frame based on internal rods connected via 3D printed parts would be faster to build and easier to repair.
This. I consider it a fundamental approach, at least until someone can do big injection molding operations for robowaifu shells.
>Though I am open to other opinions on her internal frame.
In the
RW Foundations concepts, we sort of have this divided out into 2 parts:
RW Bones, and
RW Shell. The former is related to your frame questions, and the latter is kind of related to your 'clothes' question below. Personally, I currently see them as pretty inextricably-intertwined as a unified set for a final form of a robowaifu (at least for now).
What rods will we use for her internal frame?
Well, as I see things we could use
a) aluminum tubing
b) wooden doweling
c) plastic extruded tubing
d) 3D-printed rods
e) ???
Probably a mixture of types as we go along with development tbh. Certainly Aluminum tubing is durable, corrosion-resistant, reasonably inexpensive, and reasonably abundant. Given it's higher cost than simple wooden doweling, it's probably better to leave it for more sensitive/more durable zones like the robowaifu's upper chest/breadbox volume as an internal space-frame. Maybe the pelvic complex?
Obviously wooden doweling is very abundant and quite inexpensive. It's a great choice by and large but obviously won't endure as well as aluminum, isn't as strong (generally), and is quite sensitive to moisture. Probably the bulk of a robowaifu's internal space-frame should be of this material.
Plastic is available in an amazingly diverse array of forms and types, including widely-differing extruded tubing. I'd say the two most likely types are the standard PVC plumbing, etc., pipes, and drinking straws bundled together as Strawnon suggested. Plastic tubing is probably a second choice I'd say compared to the wooden dowels.
Printing isn't the best choice IMO ATM. In the future with factory-type operations going, then the extreme customizability of such items is an inevitable appeal, possibly a deciding factor. But again, that's some years off.
Will she wear clothes?
>"...and thus easier to build and repair if we rely on clothes to cover her."
We could actually use something easily replaced such a literal paper (say card-stock), kind of in the same vein as Papercraft Anon suggested back in the day. If we ever need to get inside, we can simply cut that paper shell away, do our work, and then reapply new paper.
One other idea along this line: we can spray-paint a primer onto the paper, then when it's dried apply thin layers of silicone on top of it. Not only would this be more pleasing to the touch, but would also form a nice protective seal around things.
>"...Functioning as an aesthetic and protective "skin"."
I think SophieDev demonstrated quite aptly the value of this approach.
Sophie wears her clothes quite well.
>"If she wears clothes, what size will she be?"
Well we're dealing with a 1M tall robowaifu, so obviously *****'s sizes. IIRC they are based on age in years. So, a girl's size 5 or 6 maybe? Big costume stores probably stock girl-sized meido outfits I'd imagine. :^) Things will obviously be easier for us (in numerous ways, if more expensive) once we can into woman-sized robowaifus. However that's likely to be years from now once improvements in actuators, materials, and software and our designs are realized. So let's just make due in the meantime.
How will she be stored?
I think simply designing her so she can curl up into a fetal position, and then use one of the easily-obtained big plastic tubs available at a big-box hardware store? A 'transformer' concept is a very nice idea, but the technical complexities involved probably rule it out anytime soon IMO. But who knows in the future? For now though, I'd suggest just going with the big tubs as storage containers.
What physical capabilities are most essential?
Smiling, talking, and dexterous hands. Being able to locomote in some fashion. Those are the big ones IMO.
Now having the full-force, sky-hifi-syfy visions of extremely personable and human-like robowaifus just like in my Chinese cartoons is the ultimate dream and the ultimate goal...we have to start small and grow big. Start simple and grow complex. The way of the
As we discussed, and as you've named the project, her Meido abilities will eventually be highly important. But for now simply being able to interact in an engaging way with Anon is a great & important start. And it's also probably quite within our reach within say a year or two.
So IMO, simply filling my short-list given just above should be our motion priorities for now. It will be up to you to decide our actual directions however.
minor fmt edit
minor grammar edit
add 'pelvic complex' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/23/2022 (Sat) 13:52:11.