>Why only send text back and forth?
This was just about initial ideas. Yes I was thinking about security and protecting privacy in that regard. But there're other reasons:
- Text needs less bandwidth, which has a lot of implications: Women ("imaginator") needs less computing power. Only needs to be able to type fast. Also connection can be more shacky, while still being good enough to get some text through. Keep in mind, that ideally we'll be able to use poor women in poor regions for it.
- Text can be filtered easier than language: Masking personal data, detecting the attempt to break the rules, ...
- Sound carries background information with it, sending text only is a filter in itself.
- Automatic translations will probably work better if they're already available in textual form.
>There's plenty of places online to chat with and roleplay with women
Great, this might make things much easier.
>teleoperated robowaifus by girls in VR
I'm open for thoughts on this, but like to emphasize, that this is not were I wanted to go with it. Expensive equipment, more complex data, ... My thinking is more that the robowaifus would have stored patterns of movements which could be called by putting emojis or some commands into the text. The robotwaifu's system would still check for risks and such, before and while executing that task.
>reality could be replaced with 3D models of something else and voices obfuscated with machine learning
Yes, but this is more difficult to do and more expensive for the participants.
>The lack of audio and video is not gonna sell for most people
That's a misunderstanding. The robot would have a generated voice, in the scenario where the women's voice can't be heart. If that's a problem, voice could still go only one way from the women to the client, while she's getting his responses via text. However, my idea was to make the women's contribution a commodity, so they would be replaceable, not having a specific woman with a nice voice which would need to be booked or something. Ideally the robowaifu would't really be "occupied" by one woman, but using her responses in addition to chatbot generated responses, all with the same voice.
>I've preferred chatting with my fine-tuned GPT2 model
That's great, but probably not everyone would want that. You're interpreting it with your own imagination.
>because there's no long-term memory
That's gonna be tricky, with the described method of replaceable women with more than one client, as well. This needs a solution, either way. Text analysis and storing info in a database.
>then paying another $20/hr to hire some escort
Well, by now any robowaifu only has these other chatbot/GPT2 options. So, the human option would be an improvement. However I see that this might be the point of failure. Even if it was really cheap it might be to expensive. Though, I was rather thinking of them making 200-500$ or so per month, with different clients. If it was more of a *****bot, counting in dolls with some animated head, which would be put away after usage or quietly sitting around, then the option of hearing her modified voice and paying more would make more sense. As so often, we're finding different use cases and options.
>find someone online to do it for free
Feel free to try that. Going out, meeting, getting a room, etc is not for free anyways. Also, I had the whole idea primarily with conversations in mind. My fault, though, that I couldn't resist making this nice headline. The idea is still meant for using the robowaifu for intercourse, but not only and not in every case. Improving the conversations with a robowaifu is a usecase in itself.
>to wreck whatever you're creating
For now it's just a idea to discuss here about what could be done. Though, some versions should be pretty simple and not easy to attack: Basically, maybe some chatservers inside Tor and both sides downloading some free (open source) software, and getting some crypto cash wallet. For figuring out the details, I opened the thread.
>There are women who want their own robogirls as roommates and some even for love
Sure. If one want's to do that, I suggest opening a board of it's own or maybe a more sheltered forum if women are involved. Would be great to see something like it. Maybe it would help, but I have my doubts about the size of the impact. Building so that it is hard to attack or at least hard to stop is more important.
>"Thots In The Shell = TITS". Genius!
Tbh, I only came up with the headline, but didn't realize the acronym. That was Chobitsu, I guess Americans and maybe Brits think more automatically about that.
>her arms and hands inside a couple of teleoperation gloves
You'll need to have patterns how to do things for Sophie anyways. Same for any future robowaifu which will be created. I was more thinking about it with that in mind. The women would't use gloves and have free control, just be able to tell the robowaifu what to do in a situation via text. The system would follow some stored pattern, while checking for security, maybe making adjustments dependent on the situation. However, first things first: You were complaining about conversations. So don't focus on movements and such to much. It's about the remote woman hearing an altered voice or getting the text from speech recognition, typing a response and e.g. Sophie or others would speak it. Speed of the response might be one of the points of failure. Maybe it would be better to always use fast generated responses in combination with some typed response.