Response to the lads who've been complaining a bit lately
First off, let me say thanks for taking the time to spell out your several complaints with /robowaifu/ 's moderation. They don't go unnoticed. Sadly however, I'm not going to go one-by-one down your long list and address each one specifically. My apologies in advance, Anons.
However, I think I can properly address them all concisely with literally just one word:
As in, 'we need to stay focused here on /robowaifu/'. We don't need an ongoing, unending barrage of blackpills/redpills/kill-all-3DPD-pills, etc., etc., etc. There are already a very wide array of other boards and forums for that kind of thing. However, there aren't
any other robowaifu boards to my knowledge (well, at least not till yesterday heh). Feel free to visit the forums of your choices and ventilate all the concerns you have for the world at large there. Once you're finished with that and everything's off your chests, then stop back by here occasionally and check up on how we are doing OK? :^)
OTOH, if you want to stay
here with that, then I've accommodated your needs as best I know how atm that will allow the board itself to remain healthy. I hope it's something you can all manage to somehow live with Anons.
There's plainly much legitimacy to your complaints about everything going on out there. But honestly, I'd again suggest you each instead focus more on our practical engineering and other needs here, and much less on how bad the world outside is. We still have a long way to go yet lads, and we could still use your help here.
I'll restate my basic agenda behind my actions (and implicit 'rules') again here:
>...But if I feel a direct attack is being levied against the motivation and psychological state of our board's members then I'll will oppose that with vigor -- as well I should.
One of my responsibilities here as BO of /robowaifu/ is to care for the welfare of our regulars as I can manage. The
monumental process of successfully
designing, engineering, prototyping, revising, manufacturing, marketing, & distributing of appealing, useful & successful robowaifus+kits (something obviously never done before in human history) is already quite daunting enough of a task for all of us here. We need
zero political/social/other distractions from that yuge endeavor.
While I'm not
intentionally trying to 'confuse' anyone with my lack of rules for every.little.thing., neither do I intend to pile up more rules -- as I've already clearly stated. Rules are like snakes, they can turn and bite you. They are also high-maintenance -- once you create a rule for a thing, then you always have to attend to that thing. Commonsense should be our guide here, we're adults. After all, I only created the two we have now simply because of rampant ***** being commonplace on IBs, and also to openly flaunt feminists, sodomites, and the like who might try to attack this place entirely unhindered.
In due course I'll deal with anything needing our attention here as it comes up, like any good leader would. And as I've already stated only
filthy Commies want a bunch of rules around, tacked-up on every wall. We are unambiguously opposed to leftists here on /robowaifu/ , and we will continue to be so in perpetuity. For once, let's have an important opensource project that
doesn't get overrun, corrupted, and ultimately subverted by those 'persons' (I use that term very loosely here of course), all agreed?
And for those still inclined towards extended rants and/or calls for deep social reconstructions related to robowaifus, there's always our newborn 'sister colony': jolly lot of rebels and brigands in fact of course, shoulda named it OzLand instead tbh :^). I expect they will be happy to accommodate you there with all that.
As for most of your other complaints -- such as my unabashed Christianity and doctrinal positions thereto -- those are basically my own private affairs, of which I have just as much right to share them here or anywhere else as you do your own. They certainly don't represent any agenda of /robowaifu/ , and are purely my own views. I don't use them as a bully-pulpit here, but neither will I apologize over them. Without my faith in Jesus Christ, I could never have begun /robowaifu/. :^)
In general, I think the board is coming along very nicely. I'm excited about our recent advances, and I look forward to seeing all the great concepts and inventions, designs, art, writing, anime, arts, etc., that you've already shown yourself capable of doing here. We'll do even more in the coming years and one day the dream of walking, talking, snuggling robowaifus will be a reality before all our eyes!
And that's pretty much all I have to say on those topics in general Anons, hope that satisfies.