Nice work. I'm glad that you're focusing somewhat on performance in your search for 'the right tool for the job' (
another honorable & necessary goal). OpenCV's engine is effectively written in pure C++ (there may be a very smol amount of some inline ASM code for specific drivers, etc.) The Python serves as a frontend API to this backend system. This is quite similar to the architectures used with TensorFlow and PyTorch, for example
(and the approach we also plan for the users of robowaifus, as well).
The >tl;dr is:
use the scripting interface for most jobs, since that is good enough. OTOH, if you ever need to 'open the hood' and tweak the system's basic characteristics and/or performance itself (and you can't find already-scripted means you can assemble together into precisely what you need), then you'll need to drop down into the underlying systems languages to accomplish that (C & C++). Thankfully, because all of these engines are opensource systems (and
permissive ones also [Apache, BSD]), you can do
exactly that -- and just as you see fit! :^)
(In /robowaifu/ 's case, we haven't even finished building the waifu engines themselves yet; so the Pythonic APIs will come later on, as well.)
Kinda like if you wanted to automate
using Blender, then you'd use it's Python API for that. If, on the other hand, you wanted to
change Blender
itself, you'd use C++ or C to do that.
>However, interpreting emotional data in a multidimensional way (eyebrows, eye shape,mouth shape, face icons like blush sweatdrop or forehead veins) will require some more thought and experimentation.
Abstraction. Write a little wrapper library for yourself that has all the high-level elements you need (happy, sad, etc.)... and ways to properly blend them together. Use that abstraction layer in your code you interact with the AI through. That way, regardless how either system changes -- on either side of the 'barrier' -- you've got one, go-to place to deal with that underlying complexity properly.
Good luck Mechnomancer (and everyone else working towards this particular set of goals ITT). Looking forward to seeing all your results! Cheers. :^)
fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/10/2024 (Sat) 12:15:34.