/tech/ - Technology and Computing

Technology, computing, and related topics (like anime)

Build Back Better

Sorry for the delays in the BBB plan. An update will be issued in the thread soon in late August. -r

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ACM Library is free for a few months Anonymous 04/07/2020 (Tue) 15:12:28 No.2455
https://dl.acm.org/ Plenty of things worth reading on here as a supplement to books you should've gotten off libgen already. Beats picking through a poorly sorted torrent if you ask me.
>>2455 Well, that's a big surprise. Maybe LibGen is having a solid impact against publishing prisons after all. I've been a member of SIGGRAPH on and off again since school. Neat, thanks for the tip anon!
>>2470 All we need is for Sci-Hub to download them all and cache it.
>>2489 I'm wouldn't count on it as they ban IPs at the drop of a hat, and ACM's interface is slightly more useful anyway as you can browse a lot of the cited works on there. No reason to wait if you are currently out of school or work, I already got ~90% of everything relevant to my projects in the last week.

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